Today is John's 60th birthday...he is not fond of my broadcasting it, but I think its wonderful! I quote, "Grow old along with me. The best is yet to be!" We headed out for an early AM walk to the store to have birthday coffee and buy some grapes for him. On returning to the house, I put the no-fat carrot cake to bake while we went to Home Depot so he could begin buying things for Honduras. We will only have l full day in Phoenix as we depart the country in March, so he needs to get most stuff during our last 2 days here before flying to the NW on Saturday.
You know the saying, "A woman in every port?" Well, we joke about John's "bike in every port". Knowing he'd not had much exercise for that past 7 months, I set out to locate a bike for him to ride during his 5 days here in Sun City. Found that to rent one here would be about $50 daily, and was having no luck finding a used one, so had given up. The last night before he arrived I went to Craig's List once again and made a few calls. One sounded positive, so we followed it up Monday and were able to get a very nice John-quality bike for much less than a rental. Plus it will have the advantage of always being here at my folks when we visit. Thank you, Lord! John has used it at least once daily this week, did 60 K yesterday. Well worth it!
John and I drove directly to Sedona, AZ after reuniting at the airport late Saturday- 6 weeks to the day that John had taken me to the airport to fly up and be here with mom. John's brother Gary and his wife Jane had saved dinner for us, and we also got to visit with Gary's daughter Lynn and her daughter. They are the most awesome hosts in the world, always making us feel pampered and loved. We go away spiritually fed, emotionally tended, physically refreshed. We attended sunday services at Christ Center Wesleyan, one of our supporting churches, and shared a bit impromptu about the work in Honduras. A very warm and receptive group- good visits with new friends afterwards. Monday a.m. I met with the church secretary just to share and deepen the relationship that had begun several weeks before when she had gone to church with Jane and I down in Phoenix. Time well invested.
Yesterday, Mike and Kandee McKlain from OR who have visited us with a team twice now in Honduras came by to see us. They are snowbirding for 2 months near here, and took the opportunity to take us hiking and picnicking. We did some brainstorming re: their 2009 trip next September, and were able to view the awesome album another team member, Shirley, had sent with them. So fun to see our world thru other's eyes. Very encouraging. Kandee left us with another original painting she had done of a Honduran mud hut- John immediately claimed it as I have her first one in my office. They also left us with the video the pastor, Richard, had put together to present to their church after their visit to Honduras. Excellent, and was very good to be able to show it to my folks to give them a better idea of our lives there. 
John and I, Kandee and MikeOur Sarah's baby is now less than 2 weeks from due. Praise God she has navigated these 38 weeks in good health. Our next note will likely be first pictures of our granddaughter!
And, speaking of granddaughters, Eryn, 10, won her school's geography bee yesterday! WOW! We immediately got online and ordered her the National Geographic guide for studying! This is the same brilliant child who just did a science fair project on "The Relative Strength of Various Brands of Gummy Worms". Top that one, you grandparents! :)
Thanks, John & Penny, for the updates. It feels so good to "be in touch". God bless you, one and all. Love in Jesus,
ReplyDeleteLenny & Charlotte
We had remembered John's 60th birthday and prayed for him this morning in devotions. May the Lord bless your time together and your preparations for returning, and this whole year! When will you be in Moses Lake? Don't know if we will be there or not, but maybe see you.