Its now 9 days since Mom began having problems from several pulmonary emboli. She seems to be stable, beginning to walk short distances with her oxygen, especially now that we have a small over-the-shoulder tank she can use that does not get in her way like the pushable tank! She has up days and down ones- but is optimistic that she will be in the pool waterwalking in 2 weeks. It will likely be WITH her oxygen, but knowing mom, she'll do it!
I'm enjoying the major change of pace- cooking and cleaning and erranding instead of being at the hospital 24/7 in Honduras. Quickly becoming accustomed to the clean, pretty golf course to run on daily, and even ventured out to the gym today with Dad to use the machines there. Mornings are down to 30, so need to go out to the Thrift store and get some sweats. My jungle garb is too lite for here! Went out today to see if I could find a guitar to play in my leisure time, and may make a decision on that shortly. I miss my guitar-outings to the school with Dr. Don! But not as much as I miss John!
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