John and I just finished up 6 weeks in the NW, 4 spent with our daughter Sarah , and 2 in our home in WA. During the time we were homebased in Portland with Sarah and Jaie, and then little Ellie Isabela, John went to Jacksonville, OR to visit the group there who have twice now visited us in Honduras, and are planning another visit in the fall. I stayed behind to have more time with Ellie, as she was such a late arrival we knew her more pre-birth than post. It was hard to pack up and know we'd not see them again for many months.
We arrived back in Moses Lake, WA in time for me to spend l nite in our cozy home and then pack a suitcase and sleeping bag to bus with some of the church ladies to a winter retreat in ID. The snow was about a foot deep at the retreat center on a lake there- incredible scenery, lots of deer. I shared briefly about the work at Loma de Luz, and some thoughts on not wasting our lives, on apostolic passion. Met a lot of deep women, snowshoed during free time, innertubed down a hill, crocheted on my scarf that I hope to have done in less time than my last baby sweater took (2 years).
Returned home to frigid weather and spent the next week just cleaning and sorting the house, having time with my sister and brother-in-law. When home, we spend most suppers together at one of other of our homes- can't get enough of each other. I fill up my tank with laughter for another year!
Our last weekend in WA saw us at a mission conference again sharing the Honduras work. Sure met a lot of wonderful people, many of whom have sent us support without us knowing them even . So was good to put faces to the names. Moses Lake is becoming more like home as we meet more people.
Left at 5 AM with the neighbor kindly taxi-ing us the 1 1/2hr to the airport. Now just a full day for us to repack with the gear we left at my folks here in Sun City and put John on the plane for Honduras Friday am. I will go on to tulsa to see if we can find out what ails my R. wrist thats been in a splint now for 6 weeks. Next blog from there!
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