Deb and Penny in Leavenworth-touristing! |
Ellie: "I'll take these socks, thank you!" |
The remaining 2 weeks John spent in Tulsa catching up with church, kids, doctors, and getting supplies for the hospital. Penny had been gifted a ticket to go see our daughter Sarah in PN, so spent just 4 days there enjoying her and Jaie and baby Ellie. Ended all too quickly...
We returned home to Honduras with Eryn and Benton on august 5, a smooth transition compared to our departure in which John's backpack had been stolen in the airport and we were delayed 3 days in Dallas (which time was spent with old Wycliffe friends, so turned out to be a real blessing). Smooth entry...but 4 days later, our pickup that was parked in the carport slipped out of gear and rolled across the neighbors lawn, back onto the road, and headed across the main steep road to partially disappear over the bank. Pretty horrifying to hear it slip and run out to helplessly watch it! No one was hurt, thankfully, and about 9 men responded STAT to have it look like nothing had happened less than an 1- 1/2 hr later. That was 2 1/2
weeks ago and we hear our insurance here is covering it well...supposedly repairs have begun in La Ceiba, and we're just borrowing vehicles to do the necessary til its done. Several are out of the country right now and have generously allowed us to use their vehicles. We pray its fixed by the time our next team arrives mid September!
August 10, Hannah Lundsford from VA arrived to be a homeschool helper for this school year for Eryn and Benton. We began school just over a week ago, so working out the kinks before Eryn begins an online class the second week of September. Hannah will help me 3 days a week, allowing me to work in the hospital without feeling as tho I am wearing 2 hats at the same time and doing neither well. Pray for Hannah, please! She is one of 8 kids, so probably knows all their tricks, as well as a homeschooler herself. She added piano to her teaching responsibilities this week so the kids will have this additional blessing .
Well, this has been mostly a personal family update! Will update you on other areas next time!