Miguel Angel |
Tuesday we went up the mountain on John's monthly clinic visit to Satal. This time, many others went along to participate in the first of what we hope to be many outreaches into the school there, to do physicals, eye exams, developmental assessments and hematocrits on first graders. Each month we will do a different grade. Was well received, and a good pilot project, which we will tweak and revise to improve it. A highlight of the day was being greeted first thing at the clinic by a bright-eyed and well-groomed couple whose newborn baby, Miguel Angel, had come very close to losing his life to pneumonia back in the fall. We'd never expected to see him again when we put him on the trail for the long hike home with his folks when he was finally discharged from Loma de Luz. Miguel is a chunky, delightfully active and normal appearing baby now. What a miracle!
Hand touching hand |
Got this shot below of a little 4 yr old girl who was inpatient with burns, from a village many hours from here by trail and boat. She was on the tail end of weeks of whirlpool treatments to help her heal. She was a real screamer, and I caught this of her dad's finger gripped in her little hand to keep her calm. Reminds me of the famous Michaelangelo painting of God reaching down to man.
H |
Eryn,(second from L) and her bilingual school classmates and teachers |
Eryn and Benton completed 7th and 5th grade respectively today, both finishing strong. Next week is the long-awaited Missionary Kids' Camp that will host about 60 kids from around Honduras for 5 nights and days of typical bible camp stuff with a Honduran flair. It will be on site here, but we will not see them all week. Our grandkids have heard so many stories about past camps, many now legends, that they are totally pumped. Imagine, John and I will have 5 nights and days alone! It will probably take the rest of the summer for them to tell us all the stories about it!
Heading for the US for kids' visa trip in late June, after Iowa Tests for them here.We will be in Moses Lake, WA for a bit, then in Tulsa for the last 2 weeks. As usual, we'd like to see as many of you as possible to share what we're up to here. Please contact us at pennyalden@gmail.com or at our US cell phone of 509-431-1885.