This is Ellie's 5th day. My mom asked last night if I'd taught her to read yet. Working on it. Having long and weighty conversations, in which Ellie appropriately moves in what Sarah calls the Hand Dance. At day 5, Ellie has taught us all what makes her happy- and that is any movement that simulates the action in the womb, as her mama is a very busy med surg nurse and worked up til the end. Ellison is used to action! So we cuddle the little burrito while bouncing on the large bouncy exercise ball. I'm a believer ! Nice centerpieces at the table have been replaced by an even nicer one- Ellie in her bouncy seat. This very organized and charmingly decorated home has baby equipment in every niche. The swing, car seat, bouncy seat, bath seat, jog stroller- and no one seems to mind the invasion! They were adamant that this child would NOT sleep in the adult bed...would have to stay in the co-sleeper to be safe. Only 4 nites of this new life and she managed to convince them that it might not be a bad tradeoff for some sleep! She is a cuddler, likes to have her legs crossed and up on her abdomen like in utero. Has been to the store, the pediatrician, the lactation consultant, and around the block on a dog walk twice, so she is a mover and a shaker! DO WE LOVE HER? YES WE DO! Childrern are indeed a heritage of the Lord.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
E-Time (Time with Ellie!)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Ellison, 8#1oz, February 19, 2009

Well, our daughtr Sarah was able to give birth to little Ellison this a.m. without induction! They went in last PM to begin the process, as she was 2 weeks overdue, and think she was resigned to the process. But little Ellison went into active mode about 4 am instead of waiting on the Pitocin, and came into the world by herself about the time they were to have begun the induction! Mom and baby doing well. Including a picture for all of you who wondered what we were REALLY doing all this time in the states! John will go to S. OR Saturday to meet with Jacksonville Pres. Church to talk with their group that wants to visit again this coming fall- I will likely stay here to bond to Ellison! Thanks to all who have been praying for them. How we desire to see Ellison grow to love and honor the Lord!
"Lo, children are a gift of the Lord".
Friday, February 6, 2009
Lady in Waiting and Lady waiting
John looking HazMat-ty!.jpg)
The Lady in Waiting and Lady waiting, both patiently.

The Lady in Waiting and Lady waiting, both patiently.
Passing the days awaiting the birth of our granddaughter here in Portland, OR with twice daily walks of Sarah and Jaie's golden retriever, Lady. The outings in the wet cold here are greatly anticipated by all, Sarah hoping by such exercise to decrease the time she spends awaiting the birth of her daughter, Lady just for the sheer joy of an outing with her loved ones.
John has spent time in various projects, insulating under the house here, building a child-proof barrier for the heater, helping his college roommate Louis with his rental home here in Portland. Yesterday we spent some hours with our niece's family, who have embarked on a huge undertaking of home building- with 6 kids under 7. John helped pour the floor in the garage yesterday. Thus we pass the time of waiting! "Whatever your hand findeth to do, do it with all your might".
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Ongoing Saga of Emaneul

Penny and I are in Oregon for a few weeks patiently waiting for the birth of our daughter Sarah's first child. Penny had come to the US earlier to care for her mother (in the aftermath of some pulmonary emboli). As you may have noted. her mother is doing much better.
Leon Greene drove me to La Ceiba as the first leg of my trip north and accomodated my request to stop at the home of our young friend Emanuel (and his family) and get a picture of him.
You may recall that Emanuel's mother, Keylin, died a few hours after his birth about 10 months ago. His live birth was a miracle, considering his mother's inevitably fatal heart defect (Tetrology of Fallott).
Leon Greene drove me to La Ceiba as the first leg of my trip north and accomodated my request to stop at the home of our young friend Emanuel (and his family) and get a picture of him.
You may recall that Emanuel's mother, Keylin, died a few hours after his birth about 10 months ago. His live birth was a miracle, considering his mother's inevitably fatal heart defect (Tetrology of Fallott).
Emmanuel was born, full term, weighing 3 1/2 pounds (not kilograms)-incredibly small due to the low blood oxygen his mother endured (in spite of being aided by an oxygen concentrator given by encouragers from Tulsa, OK).
Tho tiny and looking a bit "elfish", he appeared to be healthy. I have watched with some anxiety for signs of normal development, being reasonably concerned for his central nervous system development as a result of his intrauterine oxygen deprivation.
Emanuel appears to be a bit of a VIP in the village of Lis Lis, as he is often visiting a neighbor or relative when we stop by. (And I can note that his mother's pregnancy and his birth have increased the number of patients from the village getting prenatal care.) But whenever we stop by, a "big sister or brother" (really his cousins) run one path or another to bring him for us to see. I search each time for some signs of development. Seeing him this day was truly getting to see a bit more of the miracle of his birth. Leon (a cardiologist and actively involved in Keylin's care) and I were so privileged.
Big Sis handed Emanuel to me as she returned from a neighbor house that morning. For the first time, he cried and reached for "mommy", so I gave him to her, but within seconds his crying stopped and he was reaching back to get his hands in my beard (few men here have beards). WOW! "Stranger anxiety" developing about on schedule- and yet sufficient recognition (of me) and curiosity about my strange face. As we talked, I asked about the scrape on his nose. His mother (aunt), told me that it was from falling while learning to walk! Delmi (his mother) asked one of the other children to bring a chair and she put him down beside it. He zoomed around the porch, scooting the plastic chair in front of him.
WOW, stranger anxiety, recognition, curiosity and walking developing on time, .
You know that we praise GOD for getting to see this.
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